Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Corporeal Punishment in the Teaching-Learning Process

Dear Readers,
It is a haunting question for me for long years that whether the corporeal punishement can be allowed in descipline the learner. If corporeal punishment is withdrawn from discipline the child, then what will be the alternative method of discipline. If there is no alternative method of discipline then why should we renounce the well developed and effective methodology of corporeal punishment. It shows there is a strong dislike to this method by the parents and children. Then the natural question emerges in the mind of a teacher, who is there to dicipline the child and teach him new things. How can we teach the new things in a noisy atmosphere, where children have more interest in play rather than study. And the teacher and learner know that the teaching-learning process is not a joyful experience. Then where is the relevance of the Bruner's famous slogan that learning is a joyful expereince. It is a common scene to see a small kid reluctantly entering the school gate carrying a heavy school bag, sometime heavier than the child. They are under increasing physiccal, metnal and emotional pressure to come up to the expectations of parents, teachers and perr groups. Studies are rather becoming like a race, where children have to run like horses.
A school is a place where a child spends his most valuable and enjoyable 5-6 hours. A child loves going to school and considers it a joyful learning experience. But today, this schooling is becoming a headache and a burden for children whether small or big, making it a torturing experience. If this is the situation in every school how can we say that learning is a joyful experience. I can say form my own experience of 28 years of study that learning is a painful and difficult work I have ever taken up in my life. It involves by hearting, understanding, research, experimentation, peer tutoring, long hours of sitting and dosing while study and great concentration. And I have not done these activities in my life with joy but with difficulty and pain. If so Why should we mislead others by stating that learning is a joyful exerience. If anyone say a foolish statement, we need not support that statement irrespective of that fact. So let us have the courage to say that learning is difficult and it is a painful activity. If it is the case then, we need discipline in our life to master new knowledge and imbibe the new learning. Then the teacher has to be allowed to use some corporeal punishement to discipline the Child. Otherwise the child will not come forward for the study and mastering the new areas of knowledge. So my suggestion is to change the laws passed by the countries to abolish corporeal punishement from the school. And allow the teacher to discipline them and impart new education to them. It is this process of imparting education only will ensure the progress of the nation through an educated society.
If the nation is not willing to repeal the law of corporeal punishment then the progress of the Nation will be affected by the callous attitude of the teachers and noisy behaviour of the children in the calss room. The children won't be able to keep silence and engage in learning by mere advice and scolding. Sometime the fear of the teacher will force the children to learn new things. This fear can be created only through the corporeal punishement. It is a bad notion that love the teacher enable the students to have new learning.Nowdays the love towards the teacher is misused by the children to engage in mischievous affars and avoid the punishment. It is stated that the no nation can think beyond the level of a teacher. So trust teachers and entrust your children to teachers to teach them new ways of living in this modern society. For obeying the teacher nad maintating the discipline of the class the coporeal punishement is required. So teachers and professionals unite together to air your voice and bring back the trust of the people back into your hands. Tell the world about your experience in the class and enable the politicians to repeal the draconian law that copporeal punishment is not allowed in the Country . If the teacher is not entitled to use the corporeal punishemnt, then it will be like asking the police to maintain law and order without any arm and only through advice. So readers think whether it is possible to maintain the discipline with out corporeal punishment. Your views are invited.


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